There are 5 great planes of existence. Each plane has a billion realities. At the centre of these planes sits the EVERLANDS. The core of all that is and was.
Everything that takes place here is reflected in the lower planes. Surrounding and running through these planes is another realm...fluid and ageless. This is The VEIL...a gateway to every time and place.
In the beginning the EVERLANDS were under the watchful eyes of The Eight Lords of Chaos. It is a wondrous place. Vast and green. Impossible flowers grow. Castles of glass and chrome cut the sky. Number trees grow untamed by expansive lakes of purple and crimson. It is populated by Myths and creatures beyond our ken.
All was well...and then there came a man...The Dark Lord PHOBOS. He brought terror and pain to the land. He invented the curse of War. For countless Millennia he ruled...until one CHAOS Lord...LORD QUANTUM turned his back on his brothers and became involved in the affairs of Men.
With the Father of all swords in his hand (SHARDSONG) he raised an army of Dragons, legends and Magiks and took the fight to PHOBOS himself. After vanquishing his evil servants (The Knights of Hell) QUANTUM confronted PHOBOS at the Blasted Tor (A place that exists in every reality and World). With the aid of Magick they trapped the Dark one in a Mirror...the first of its kind. Afterwards they smashed the mirror, burnt the pieces and buried them deep beneath the Tor.
Hence it's enduring name: GLASS TORN BURIED.
And all was well again....except...
Except, in all the lower planes mankind soon discovered mirrors for themselves...and something unexpected occurred. Mirrors are akin to time machines...The Dark Lord soon found he could visit every was and when where a mirror dwelt. All the realms...every time frame...but he could only gaze out upon these worlds. Until he discovered one reality where the magick was weak. In this reality he could inhabit every reflective surface...he could interact.
Travelling to the very end of this reality he discovered its inhabitants had destroyed themselves in a senseless nuclear war. He was alone. No one to look into his mirror/existence...doomed to view only a blasted wasteland...for ever and ever...
This is the world of the VIRULENTBLURB.
Travelling back he began to manipulate this world and one young boy in particular. JOSHUA KNIGHT. Speaking to the boy through the mirror he showed him visions and imparted wisdoms not meant for mortals....
War had been approaching this place, not through greed or hate but sheer boredom. They had fixed the ozone layer...mapped the genome of every living thing...created a thriving world...but boredom brings madness.
JOSHUA KNIGHT soon kickstarted a new age of wonderful technology and inventions. Mankind could never be bored again. Noonian Spheres, DeadBoxes, Jackports and eventually a sentient computer stream known as THE SHIVA TEMPLATE...They released the Template into the wires and a new reality was born...a fully immersive and unending reality that people could enter via Jacking in...
However, they had not created a computer heaven...they had simply punched a hole into the VEIL...
And the VEIL's inhabitants were not happy....
50 years ago there was a war...a conflict so vast it broke the world. The sun vanished. Only the moon remains. The moon and the constellation ORION. Dust falls endlessly in the ever night. All that remains is one city...a cyberpunk dystopia...and a few hundred miles of wasteland. Walls of flame surround this world...out at the edges.
But mankind and the VEIL dwellers had done more than break this world...they had set into motion a blast that was infecting every reality in every plane...
Even the EVERLANDS themselves.
In these dark times LORD QUANTUM summons/creates? AMELIA.
AMELIA can travel anywhere or when. But what is she?
She is the place where Wisdom and Innocence meet. She is hope and beauty...and yet it is hinted she is more...
Throughout AMELIA'S SONG there are a number of clues and possible explanations to her origin...she may be ALL of these or none at all...
All that is sure is that just as DETECTIVE LOBO and his companions must strive to fix their world, so must AMELIA strive to fix the all...
(And Universe is one of reflections and echoes...all of my characters and objects have their counterparts in every reality...for instance one realm he is a another an album another a Vast VOIDSHIP...Echoes...)